About Us
We know that you care deeply about the products or services you offer. You are happy to have reached a level of success in your home markets, and know there’s potential abroad, but what to do about the language barrier?
We’ve all heard about translations gone wrong. Marketing slogans that work well at home, but are ridiculous or insulting when translated by people who do not understand the target culture.
Enter New Markets with Confidence
Don’t endanger your reputation, or lose money by trying to safe in the wrong place! Don’t entrust your marketing materials or business communication to an automated translation tool, or a very big agency that promises to “translate everything, fast and cheep”. After all, you probably invested a substantial amount into content generation and graphic design.
At Lemon Tree Translations, we care for your success!
Work with an experienced team of translators who know the target market.
Working with Lemon Tree Translations
What can you expect, when you contact us? Here‘s all you need to know.